Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fun Times

We drudged the old rusted hunk of metal out of storage yesterday. It started off fairly easy. I thought for a second, it might only take an hour.

Well, we had a few hiccups along the way (mainly a tow strap that wasn't long enough.) It took us about 5 hours, not including travel time. Of course, we later found out that my grandpa had one in the garage. Ha. Joke's on us there.

The '66 Mustang is now at home. It has seen better days and I'm not sure what we'll be doing with it. There is a Christian jail ministry in town who works on cars for cheap, so that is where we are considering taking it. Hmm... Do we want custom cabinets for our office or a semi-functioning hunk of metal? Something to think about.

It has been a cold couple of days. I drug the kids out for a morning run. I put Raley in so many layers (shirt layer, sleeper, coat, blanket, etc.) she got pretty perturbed during the middle of it. I guess the 5 layers I put on her were overkill.

I was happy I got to see my grandfather today. I don't get to see him much. There is a long story behind my grandfather's need to move and hence why we had to get the car from his house. It's a long story, of which someday I may recant in all its crazy, sorted family details.

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Blogger srbaynes said...

Its name is The Red Horse ... get it straight!

January 10, 2009 at 8:10 PM  

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