We had the best time hanging with our niece and nephew this weekend. We had planned to spend the weekend with just my niece (C). You see, her brother i.e. my nephew (M) is going to a Redskins game with Uncle T, so I decided it was only fair that I, Aunt Merritt, spend some quality time with niece C. Well C, was so sweet and didn't want her brother to miss out so she shared the time with her brother M so it ended up being a big family event.
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M and C at Cici's
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C and Ladybug on Himalaya
I told her the day was up to her so we went to Funland. We rode some rides, played some games, and even rode some go carts. After that, we went to Cici's for some lunch and then went to Papa's house nearby so the little ones could nap while the big kids and I hit a few stores. When we finished we met up with the kids and Papa for dinner. I'd say a good time was had by all Ladybug just loves her cousins. In fact, she cried for at least a half an hour while driving home which wasn't so awesome for us. I NEED to remember to buy a pair of ear plugs when I'm at the store and stash them in the car for the occassional, tough car ride like this one. Though painful, Ladybug made me realize we need to make this happen more often. She needs to see her cousins more than she does.
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GreenEyes in the Toddler Area
Anyway, we finished putting in the TV and components today. Next weekend, we'll tackle the library.
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Nick installing components
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Nick happy with his work
A little context of the unitLabels: family, home improvement