Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Must be Played to be Enjoyed

Our driveway is complete and, in the end, the excavators did a good job. Enjoy this little montage to commemorate the momentous driveway realignment project's completion.

Tip: Make sure your sound is ON.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Zazzle Binder Winners

So, I didn't win the contest, didn't even get honorable mention, but that's OK. It was fun! While I didn't get enough votes to win (I got 4, 3 of which were from me, lol), I did sell 7 of the design and we aren't even into Christmas season yet. Entering this contest was definitely worth my time as far as revenue.

You can see all the entry winners here. There are lots of pretty cool ones.

These are the two I designed for those just visiting.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend In Review

We had the best time hanging with our niece and nephew this weekend. We had planned to spend the weekend with just my niece (C). You see, her brother i.e. my nephew (M) is going to a Redskins game with Uncle T, so I decided it was only fair that I, Aunt Merritt, spend some quality time with niece C. Well C, was so sweet and didn't want her brother to miss out so she shared the time with her brother M so it ended up being a big family event.
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M and C at Cici's

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C and Ladybug on Himalaya

I told her the day was up to her so we went to Funland. We rode some rides, played some games, and even rode some go carts. After that, we went to Cici's for some lunch and then went to Papa's house nearby so the little ones could nap while the big kids and I hit a few stores. When we finished we met up with the kids and Papa for dinner. I'd say a good time was had by all Ladybug just loves her cousins. In fact, she cried for at least a half an hour while driving home which wasn't so awesome for us. I NEED to remember to buy a pair of ear plugs when I'm at the store and stash them in the car for the occassional, tough car ride like this one. Though painful, Ladybug made me realize we need to make this happen more often. She needs to see her cousins more than she does.
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GreenEyes in the Toddler Area

Anyway, we finished putting in the TV and components today. Next weekend, we'll tackle the library.

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Nick installing components

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Nick happy with his work

A little context of the unit

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Friday, November 6, 2009

More Progress Pics

The excavator showed up today. I suppose some progress is still progress but he was only able to spend an hour on the project. In that hour he already broke the boundaries I had set for him (i.e. the bright orange survey marking tape I laid out marking the limit of construction) which I wasn't terribly pleased about. It reminds me of the days I was working with the county yelling at construction crews for putting equipment on top of tree roots. Oh, the horror!

I can't tell you how much I had emphasized (over and over with this guy) how important it was to work within the area I demarcated so that tree roots weren't damaged, so I was really annoyed and disappointed. While minor (not a huge impact area), I'm going to have to watch this guy closely to make sure he really doesn't do something terrible. Unfortunately, I'm not completely focused. When you've got two little ones to watch at the same time, I just can't hop up and leave to consult the excavator. This is essentially design-build project (i.e. no drawings), so communication is key. He promised to be back on Monday to finish the job in its entirety. I'll keep you guys updated and I'm determined to get this done the way I envision it!

Our cabinet maker finished the entertainment unit and the library/office today. We can't move in the TV though until the finishing touches of paint have dried. Now it's our job to paint the office (I'm thinking a light grass green would work well), and organize all our junk into bins and stow it in the cabinets. We also need to drudge all the books we currently have stored in our garage and get them out on the shelves.

I would say we'd get it done this weekend but I have big plans. I'm planning to spend some time with my niece. I don't get to spend a lot of time with her so this is extra special. Instead of painting and organizing, I'll be shopping and lunching. I guess the work will have to wait!

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Redskins Angst

Made this customized tshirt at zazzle
They are pretty inexpensive. I even made a dark version.

Get a tee at zazzle

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Redskins Update

So obviously, this hasn't been a good year for the Redskins. I almost dread attending our upcoming games in December. We will likely be doing a lot of booing, and that isn't really all that fun. It's downright painful.

Here is an excellent read from Hogs.net.
