Monday, November 1, 2010

Guess I lied... another Monday Garden Update

I thought there wouldn't be much going on in the garden after the last post but there is.  We had our first frost on Saturday night so we had to go out and get the remaining eggplant and peppers before they all shriveled up.

After Nick mowed down the garden last month some interesting things started to pop up when the plants didn't have a foot of grass to compete with.  Apparently, I failed to get a few blue potatoes and they have started to come up.

A second crop of musclun mix is coming up where we had it this season.  Gotta love nature!  These are so yummy and I love that I didn't plant them!  They are hardy through light frosts so we will be eating these babies quickly.

We also have a bunch of garlic coming up where it was planted earlier this year.  They are in concentrated bunches.  I'm not sure if I should just chuck 'em or if I should thin them out or not touch them and see what happens?

We planted purple onions two or three weeks ago and they have popped up.  We even had some onions pop up where we had onions before.  Hopefully they will get enough of a start before winter comes so we'll have a nice spring crop of those. 

We put row covers over our planted musclun mix (not the stuff that popped up on its on) and the roquette for frost protection.  Hopefully we'll have salad greens for the next month, maybe two?  :)


Blogger Aliceson said...

It keeps on giving if you let it! Ours is done. I pulled the last of the peppers last week before the hard freeze overnight settled in. I probably could have extended my season too with row covers or a cold frame but at this point, I'm kind of gardened out for the year.

November 2, 2010 at 4:39 PM  

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