Boring Coupon Talk and Rust Mobiles
It's sort of killing me that our cost of living as gone up because I can use my old tricks. Thanks to a link from E4H (Engineer-4-Hire), I've been dabbling in new ways to save. So, I started doing the coupon thing a couple of weeks ago. I've been playing the game and it's been fun snagging some deals. Today I bought two things of crest pro-health toothpaste for 50 cents each, pantene shampoo and hair product for 25 cents each, charmin for free, and Iams dog food for half of what we normally pay for it (only 10.99/regularly 19.99) and THEN on top of all that I got another 5 bucks off my grocery bill. I just LOVE doing the e-coupons in conjunction with the doubled manufactured coupons and using other people's research to do it. That said, it is somewhat labor intensive. As prepared as I think I am when I enter the store, it took me twice as long... and there are some deals I just don't know are deals until I get to the store because they aren't advertised or they aren't on these blog lists. Then, I'm left calculating in my head doing my best to avoid impulsively buying something I really don't need just because it's a bargain. Ugh. My circular scam was sooooo much better.
We have a very exciting new years planned. We're going to have go get Nick's old mustang out of my grandpa's storage sometime this weekend because he's moving. Getting it into storage was a pain in the a** so you can imagine how we are feeling about the idea of getting it out. When we released the car off the trailer it flew down the ramp and slammed into the ground screwing up the clutch. It was at least running prior to that incident. Now, it's just going to be me and Nick pushing that thing together. Pray for us.
Not much else going on here. It's been such a mild winter here. A few days ago we topped out at 70. I'm not sure what the actual temperature was today but I'm guessing it was around 60. Wild.