Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday Garden Update

It's Monday...err make that Tuesday and you know what the means, time for a garden update!

We were nervous to leave the garden last week.  Temps were in the upper 90's and humid and we had noone to water the garden.  I wasn't sure what we'd be coming back to.

To my surprise everything did well despite the heat and lack of water.  We still had some ripe strawberries to pick and we have new blooms on the ever bearing varieties.

I had yet to completely unpack and the vacation laundry was piled high and I was left pondering.... Laundry? pick peas? laundry? peas?.... the peas won  .I also picked a bunch of broccoli florets for dinner.  I have yet to shell and freeze the peas... I best get on that. 

I can always count on the squash taking off in the heat.  We are also growing buttercrunch lettuce for summer eating.  It is suppose to be tender and delicious all summer long.  We had some with dinner last night and it was delicate in flavor and absolutely delicious.  I'll never go back to regular lettuce again.

The blueberries have started to ripen and we've been eating them a handful at a time.  It feels like such a luxury to just go out in the garden feeling like a snack and grabbing a handful!

Lastly, our beans are doing well, though a 5 foot section of them never sprouted.  Guess that is just how it goes.  If I get off my butt, I'll replant.  If not... well it will just look weird.

That's all today folks!  Hope to see you next week at Feet Off the Table!



Blogger Aliceson said...

I'm so happy pea picking won out over laundry! You are a gardener to the core!

June 7, 2011 at 2:58 PM  

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